Global Programs and Initiatives

RWU global learning and engagement - on campus, in the regional community, 世界各地-加深对全球挑战和机遇的理解, 建立超越国界的充满活力的关系. 

Student helping a child with a video camera

Study, Service and Work Abroad

Global perspective, knowledge, 经验是充分利用当今全球化机遇的关键. 

在六大洲的40多个国家开展项目, faculty leading short term programs every academic break, and financial aid available for study and service abroad, RWU students explore, engage, 并随着他们建立起对世界产生积极影响的重要能力而成长.  

With Roger Williams, the world awaits!

Explore Study Abroad Opportunities >

Explore the RWU Abroad Photostream >

Global Partnerships

RWU在国内外的全球合作伙伴关系为RWU的学生和教师提供了参与全球学习的绝佳机会, teaching and scholarship. 他们还通过学生和教师的网赌的十大网站为全球校园社区的发展做出了贡献. 

UN Visit

RWU students engage in internships and field programs while studying abroad; travel to New York to visit the United Nations; participate in the annual InterAction Forum, 这是美国最大的国际发展和人道主义应对专业会议.S.; engage Rhode Island heritage community members in story-telling projects; and serve local globally oriented organizations in a wide variety of ways. 

Throughout the year, guest speakers, faculty and community round-tables, interest group discussions, practitioner coffee hours, and cultural events provide opportunities to meet others, explore diverse perspectives, examine critical global issues, and pursue solutions for challenges facing the world.

罗杰威廉姆斯大学致力于其同名的遗产, 是谁建立了罗德岛殖民地和普罗维登斯种植园,作为那些逃离迫害的人的避难所.  With this guiding principle, RWU considers the context of global refugee movements, contemporary and historical, 带着一个人的镜头来考虑寻求庇护, and those who have undergone this quest globally, and locally in Rhode Island.

> 通过故事的力量庆祝寻求庇护- Dr. Dahliani Reynolds, Professor of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition, and Kate Greene, Director of International Program Development, 合作发展社区参与式教学法,促使学生与被迫逃离故土的当地社区成员合作,讲述他们失去亲人的故事, opportunity, and building new homes in Rhode Island.

Working with refugee community

> Living in Limbo: Stateless Identities - Cathy Nicoli教授的高级编舞课程的学生通过舞蹈探索“寻求庇护”, 创作装置作品“生活在边缘地带:无国籍身份”,以加深对全球难民危机的思考.

Dance performance

Additional resources about The Quest for Refuge >

WaterFire volunteers

学生和教师的全球流动是RWU文化的重要组成部分.  RWU社区欢迎国际学生和学者, and have the opportunity not just to study at RWU, in the beautiful, bay-side town of Bristol, 而是探索整个美国东北部地区. 

International Student Admissions >

International Student Services >

International Visiting Faculty and Scholars >




RWU的教师与世界各地的合作伙伴建立合作关系,并开发跨国界的专业知识.  许多院系提供特定学科的全球机会,例如 拉丁美洲和欧洲的人类与社会学系

RWU很高兴接待来自其他国家的富布赖特学者, 并为我们的教师和管理人员感到自豪,他们通过 Fulbright Scholar Exchange initiatives administered by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES).

A professor at the Camino Dos Escravos

Join us, explore the world, and expand your horizons!

Person hiking mountaintop